Friday, August 28, 2009
Pink DAY
Thursday, August 27, 2009
little Model

Friday, August 7, 2009
Centennial Olympic Park
285 International Blvd NW
Atlanta, GA 30313
Tel: +1 404 222 7275
Is'nt that nice ???:) sOme one emailed me and asked me if they can use my photo i agree for free,lol... but it makes me happy though and proud that i can take a good pictures.. :) they've seen it in my Flickr page. Keep Up!!
Thanks for reading
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I realized
(Nakakaloka )
I always feel bad talaga pg pressure ako isa dito is yung la nga akong work , walang sariling pera at malayong malayo ako sa pamilya ko . I realized how selfish i am kung bat pinili ko kc ung US keysa Pinas . Sa dami ng nagyari sa buhay ko di ko na alam kong maswerte nga ba ako o talagang ganito lang ako,. I had a lot of expectation before ako pumunta dito but none of them happened.
Naisip ko nga na ang sama ko pala before ako dumating ng US di mn lng ako bumalik sa parents ko to tell them na "aalis na ung maganda anak nyo" sa sobrang excited ko sa state eto napala ko la nangyari sa buhay ko . Stand by pa rin like nung sa Pinas pa ako.
Don't know nga if may mangyayari ba sa future ko... And parang ang layo ko Ky Lord..
I hate thinking about it. :(
Friday, July 24, 2009
My Vacation
Ronnie and I had a great time...hope you like the video..
Monday, July 13, 2009
the monkeys
Friday, July 10, 2009
I like and love Pink. :)

Its my pleassure to be part of the "
I like my new candie's mini skirt with pink and blue stripe. Pretty good!!!wE got this on sale 6 Bucks (was 28bucks)..
And a special thanks to Chie Wilks who helps me about this Pink Fridays matter .:)
HApPy PiNK FriDaY!:)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The beauty
in the clothes she wears,
the figure that she carries,
or the way she combs her hair.
The Beauty of a woman must be seen in Her Eyes,
because that is the doorway to Her Heart
- the place where Love resides."
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Don't know !!!
If you love some one because
You think that he or she is really gorgeous...
Then it's not love..
If you love some one because
You think that you shouldn't leave her because
Others think that you shouldn't ...
Then it's not love..
It's - COMPROMISE. . .
If you love some one because
You have been kissed by h
Then it's not love..
If you love some one because
You cannot leave her thinking that it would hurt his feelings ..
Then it's not love ..
It's - CHARITY. . .
If you love some one because
You share every thing with her ...
Then it's not love..
It's - FRIENDSHIP. . .
But if you feel the pain of the other person
More than her even when she is nt sharing
wid u and if you cry for her ..
That's - '''''LOVE'''''.....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
LovE my new shoeSi...:)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Chef kris
I cooked chicken for Ronnie's dinner tonight and believe me i did good . He liked it ..Woohooo.
Its just a simple sweet and sour chicken . Honestly i just invented that kind of cooking ..He calls it great chicken ."Krisse's chicken "wohoooo. He had some corn and fries to go with it . I know when i am watching him eating he enjoyed the chicken ..
I am just ambitious girl who want to cook perfectly like chef does. lol
It sound funny if i say chef Kris but i like the idea. I never taste my chicken, maybe next time .
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What's your summer look
I always had a long hair but now is the time to try out new. I just wanted to keep my hair clean. And i think this is a great way that my hair will grow back healthy and strong.
Well this is just a simple style. A little bit below on my shoulder and shorter at the bacK ,layered and have bangs. I personally have the plans of short hair but i don't really mind coz my hair grows quick. So i am thinking now if i put some color on my hair . (THINKING)
Easy but yummy
1. Santinas (aunthentic mexican chips)
2.Black berry
3.cheddar cheese
4. small cuts of tomatoes Or u can use Salsa
5.Green dice japalenos
1. slice of banana
2. cooking Oil
3. brown sugar
I like his snack , he like mine too... but i like saging better lol i am craving so much of (pritong saging) Ever! The banana here is unlike in the pinas but it taste same when u just cook it right.
Beach time
These Photos was taken last Sept.08 in Bohol beach club resort the second visit of Ron , we decided to spend time in the beachand he checked on net about this lovely beach. It was pretty cool, a romantic place for lovers, exclusive, so nice and so relaxing . I remembered in the morning when we went out to see the seashell on the seashore haha and the big colorful starfishes. I always think about going to the beach or even in the lake . I like warm water. This reminds me of the summer in Philippines.
I am sure u will enjoy Your stay In Bohol Beach .
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Moments with Friends..FuN....FuN.. FuN

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
got love in our tummy
Matter of learning
Here are ten tips that help me with my blog writing.
- Make your opinion known
- Write less
- 250 Words is enough
- Make Headlines snappy
- Write with passion
- Include Bullet point lists
- Edit your post
- Make your posts easy to scan
- Be consistent with your style
- Litter the post with keywords
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Just another day In the Lake

It was a nice day yesterday since its sunny , water was warm,clear and shallow,not many people in the lake ,making some castle,:) kids are happy swimming just like me , Ron , and Reese.
Hope u'all got to spend time in the lake too.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
imac vs. laptop
Its time now to check my blog ..
I try to check my blog on the laptop see if its gonna work, when i look my blog i started to freak out co'z the words are so small which i could hardly read them .(ohh man)!! I was thinking its bco'z i set up my account in IMac .But then now i need to change the font and sizes to make it looks good.
_(holy crap! I can't believe it i guess i'll just use laptop from now on.
But anyway, thanks for all comments that i get today i really appreciate them ,it makes me do better. God bless ANYONE ..:)
Friday, June 19, 2009
crazy night !!
I played the Ipod touch, checked my friendship site and do some games on it too. I went down to drink water and so i can open the computer for awhile trying to check my ym if one of my sis were online but they're not, so i turn it off.
Then i get back to bed then i fall asleep.
I guess i over think of going to the lake again and thinking about what am gonna in the next morning .
..Thats one thing i don't like "gusto ko nang matulog di ako dalawin ng antok sa dami ng iniisip ko"kakainis!!
i just like Pink
Thursday, June 18, 2009
i love Bunny

My favorite song.. Take time to watch!
10 WaYs To kNoW iF ItS LoVE

10. DoEs nOt say, 'me fIrSt!
9.BELiEVEs tHe bEst AbOuT oTHerS.
8.DoEs not'KEEP ScOrE' Of thE BaD thIngS thAt oThErs Do.
7.DOes not TeAr DoWn oTHerS.
6.IS Not ConcietEd.
5.Is PaTiEnt WoTH oTHer EVen they Are AnNOTING.
4.Is not HaPPy WhEN sOMeONe HetS hurt.
3. HeLps OTHers, evEN iF ItS inconviniENT.
2. CeLeBrAteS thE suCCESS oF oTHeRs.
1. NEVER QUITS....:)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
My younger sistah Jut, and older sis Jane.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Gone fishing!!!
Our first little vacation together with my Reese and Ronnie IN THE LAKE.. We traveled for 2 hours from our house. I love this place ..This place was real cute . As you can see on the other photo was i patiently waiting for Fish. We really enjoyed sitting on the dock watching the water , the boat passes bY. its good to be out sometimes especially summer time . WaRM day!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
being here:)
I love being here . i enjoyed a lot of stuff like going out with friends, taking pictures and outdoors. This photo was taken last month in kEnnesaw mountain TRill. The place was so cool and its overlooking the county. I remember its the beginning of the spring time so quite a bit hot but it was perfect day for me .. Just a little bit pose and cute smile ...
my photographs collection

It was a perfect sunny day somewhere in the park where we always went to.. hunnybo asked me to take picture of the flower and i did. This is it.:) I always want to take a good photographs. Nature is the best one ..